To be proud of a stranger
Is greater than good
It shows you’re engaged with a wide neighborhood
Hey neighbor, hey neighbor, hey, where’s the queue
I’m droppin’ while we’re rocking block barbeque
Well I’m fine if you’re famished, so take what I’ve got
I’ve got more than enough and I’m happy to rot
Now I’m lost to my plot
And I’m better than not
Even if I am drowning or running my snot
I hope lands have a plan for me, more than a dot
It’s not graphed when I laugh
Or I hope that it’s not!
And yeah, sure I spend time for a rhyme
‘Cause I like to frame blames in a way for the sensitive types
Who can read on their own, but prefer a structure
‘Cause they have far enough going on in their mind
And it angers me still
To see others fulfilled
But the child inside is untainted and will
Make me better a man
If I follow the plan
To make apples from oranges
Lemons from swill
Does it sour you, still?
When the power to kill
Has been taken and tamed from the masses we spill?
By the pen or the sword, it’s the memories stored
And the five minutes spent make us closer, you feel?
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