A good many people I know have gone through break-ups lately. Like they didn’t value each other and it went downhill enough to have a breaking point. I’ve tried the dating apps. They didn’t work well. The sheer ratio of people I met on them, who would just say, “hey”? It was staggeringly ill-favored. What’s the point of starting a conversation without showing who you are? A profile isn’t an introduction when all you have to say is, “hey”.
It took me forever to find somebody who was worth talking to, and I forgot to value my me-time. I forgot to live for myself. Who would have guessed it? I’ve spent most of my life worried on what other people say, and never learned how to just be me. Even then, my best friends tell me they like me when I’m just being me. Pretty confusing, right? Well, that’s bothered me for some time now. Goodness gracious, it’s a miracle anybody changes after they leave the nest.
But when was the last time you thought of home? Do you have family abroad like I do? I hope you stay in touch! There are some things that ought never be let go of. Family, is one of them.