“Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you got ’til it’s gone?”

Joni Mitchell’s words ring true from their day. Her delivery is a lot more jaunty than the Counting Crows cover a good many of us may be more familiar with. It’s not just about nature, but about appreciating every part of our lives as long as we can. When we have the strength to smile, it’s important we do so. How else are we supposed to honor that which we still have?

My friend gifted me with a fascinating conversation yesterday. We touched on how recent generations are always on their phones, like there’s something more interesting than the people right in front of them. There’s the constant opportunity to drown in the influence of our world wide web. Then we forget those who make up that web. What’s the point if we can’t live an analog life?

I know, I know, “But Wooden, you put these poems and lyrics up every day. You’re telling me you don’t like using applications, programs, our mobile interfaces to work?” No, I don’t. It’s weird, sure. But I just like writing. No, I love writing. I love the thought that somewhere, I could be making a little kid smile. That. That there, puts the shine in my eyes.

And maybe I don’t like change. Maybe I’m just afraid of what could come next. But I like what we have here. I like the trees, the flowers, the birds and the bees. Even if they all make me sneeze!


Outer Inner Beauty

Soft and flaxy
Smooth and waxy
Meadows made of sod

These havens crave
A man to save
A fool who lost his god

They gently, kindly
Dare remind me
Where we all were born

Earth or sea
It’s more than we
Could ever hope to mourn


And sure, sometimes what we have isn’t there naturally. So what if somebody else put it there? Take advantage of the happiness around you. Add it to yourself. Live by the light of every sun, every moon, and every spend every moment with pride in your loved ones. Value yourself. Have a great day.

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