I’m returning to my family’s old house in the woods for some time while I look for other options. As it turns out, it’s hard finding a new home! So expensive, and I really don’t have time while I’m looking for a new place. Those closest to me are looking for more than I have to offer, and it’s freaking me out. I wish I could do more, but I’m stretched thin as is.

I spent the greater portions of my day, all on moving and housing research. It’s a lot of work! Not to mention the stress! Ahh! Well, here it is, and here I am. Alive.

Still, it worries me sometimes that by returning home, I may be returning to an old version of myself. I’ll stay on top of it, and keep my rhythm going!

When returning home, the route may vary. The feelings about it are always a mess, even if they're quiet, they're closer than we're comfortable with.
When returning home, the feelings are always closer than we’d like

I’m glad to have kept it real with you today. I look forward to our daily chin-wags. Here’s my song, about that revolving door, “Shelter in the Storm”.


Shelter in the Storm

I’ve got a shed in the back
Where nobody goes to
It’s just a shed in the back
But it knows what I’ve been through

And every time I wanted out
Told it what I’m thinking ’bout
And the shed, it tells me true

“Hey there, little man, I see what’s going on
We talked on what it’s like, and we saw you on the lawn
You threw your hands up, and you had too much to drink
You had your say, baby, come on, let the spirits think”

You’re just a safe place
When I’ve got nowhere to go
You’re just a safe place
But more than I know
It’s alright
To take it slow
Take a seat when I can’t take the blows
‘Cause it’s a long time coming
Coming home

It’s easy to see where I’ve been going
Despite the trickery, it comes from a place of knowing
But I’ve seen better days
Yeah, I’ve seen better days
I’ll see better days

The sun shines bright
The wind, it hurts
And snow makes still
You know we won’t desert
But if you stay with us
We’ll hold you in the storm
So stick on closer, baby
Only we can keep you warm


So far I’ve kept my momentum, despite returning!

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