Our footprint connecting the dots to our favorite spots where we’d been on this summer’s eve
That git that you hold in your hands that they don’t understand is the kind they will not receive
But you put it all
On the line
Impress me with what I couldn’t find
We’re coming out
Remolding ourselves in the clay
and baby, it’s okay
take our time
no matter what happens I’m yours
Consigning our life to the sand when it’s not like we planned and our dreams never coming true
I’d hoped for becoming a man like the stories I’d scanned but the colors are bleeding through
So you put it all
On the line
Impress me with what I couldn’t find
Maybe that’s what
We get
When summers don’t taste like
Don’t taste like regret
What’s Up!
A good friend of mine will be moving away soon. I met him last year, and he helped me through some tough times. I’d like to say I was there for him when he needed somebody. He saw me at my lows. I saw him at his. Now, it’s my turn.
Early on in our friendship, I spent time getting him a bit out of his shell after entering the throes of breakup. Poor guy had been through a lot. During his healing phase, he had time to realize the damage he could have done to his own partner. It’s a lot, huh? The things your brain starts screaming when left alone. I know that place too well…
He advises me to take care of my mind by letting my body relax. That I don’t need to constantly be at my strongest. That I don’t need to be on my guard. But how can I be the best me there is, by letting go? I know there is truth in his words, so my next goal is to accept them into my heart.
Step 1 is to relax a bit again. To relearn how to relax. But I have someone important to me, who’s encouraging me to be better. To be stronger. Then, the moment I relax, tells me to get up. Cursed if I do, cursed if I don’t, I haven’t found the middle ground. The compromise.