If there’s ever a barrier you find on your way to success, just keep in mind what you personally need from life. There may be an alternative way to keep your sense of self while still doing what you need to. Which of your personal rules still serve you? Which slow you down? Are they worth keeping if they don’t build on who you are? Never forget who you set out to be, and relish every chance life gives you to fulfill your purpose as a person, as a human, and as a member of your community.


A Way to Your Dreams

The calendar flipping page
Last time I checked it’s December
My brain got me showing my age
My friends still remember

Bigger, better, summer don’t sweat her
May have fucked up, I’m back up to get her
Can I get an amen before I see an omen
Gotta chill out and just enjoy the moment

The days into weeks into years
It’s not what I’m into
I’m up to my neck in their cheers
They don’t know what I’ve been through

More and more, hold open the door
I swear to god I’ve been here before
Bring me up to smack me back down
I’m faster than light and can’t hear my sound

Can you feel my burden beckoning
Some AI made unworthy mentioning
Can we just breathe out
‘Fore we bleeding out

I’m seeing the end in my dreams

It’s never enough as it seems

I’m seeing the end in my dreams

Tell me a story made tomorrow
Before the time we’ll have to borrow
I’m out of sleeping sand
Don’t ask for me, I can’t

I’ll figure it out with my means

It’s never enough as it seems

I’m finding a way to my dreams

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