You ever wait around for somebody you know to come back? Somebody who meant a lot to you, but you couldn’t reach out to pull them in? What’s up with that? Don’t fear the fall or failure. If it doesn’t work, it wasn’t meant to be. Well, at least with social interaction. Keep trying with your real passions!

Hey, I think it’s time I let you in on a little secret… watermelon chunks are so much more expensive than an actual watermelon! No, you probably already knew that, but… alright, I bought a watermelon a couple days ago. I wanted something to treat my family to, so I waited for a hard day, when everybody had just about had enough of trying. As it turns out, everyone loved the watermelon juice! I just quartered, sliced circles, drew off the rind, chopped, and blended the fiber right out of it. Delightful, delicious, discounted summer treat. Bring a little extra joy to your family, alright?


Life Happened There

That day by the hickory stump
I hoped you’d come around

But my eyes were in the trees
and you were long out of town

I waited and wandered
For life to happen here

But memory a-plundered
I can’t hold myself dear

Whoa now
Hold on
Last I know, I was the only

Whoa now
Hold on
Before I know, with the wind
I’m gone

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