Good morning, good afternoon, and a swell day to all. I hope the sun is shining for you like it is for me. Hey, strange question: when you were a kid, did you try eating flowers? I was a nature’s child back then, searching under every leaf for what could fascinate me. Quick tip for the upcoming seasons…

Acorns? They make a fantastic trail snack if you find them early. If you’re too late, they can be bitter. Grab them fresh!

Now, let’s take the sunshine and shimmer aside for a sec

Have you ever felt used? I mean, like somebody only kept you around for a specific purpose? It’s part of work culture, sure, but what about in your personal life? You let somebody into your life, and they only stick around for one thing, it’s a bit of a let-down, right? You start wondering if you’re only good for that one thing… and maybe you need to drop other parts of your personality…

Don’t do that!!

The only fool allowed in your head is you! And you’re a fool by choice! You are nobody else’s fool. It’s okay to mess up sometimes, and it’s okay to feel lost. It’s part of the process of living.

You feel that? Breathe it in. Let it flow through you. The release can save you.

Hey, here’s a little song I wrote in the process of these realizations. I call it…


Fire Choker

Crossed my heart one thousand times
Left behind my lesser crimes
Lost it down the dotted line
And now the Devil’s my pen
Where do I sign
Was I supposed to be
Was I the emptiness
Or just the memories
For the fireplace
Did I keep you warm
Or waste your space

Just like the pages you torn
Oh, my disgrace

Was I just imagery
For your addiction to scorn
A mockery

Was I your paradise
A more delectable toss
A snack on ice

Am I a way to lie
For anybody who asks
Say I’m your guy

Though I know it’s pretend
I’m hurtin’ for a burden
I’m your friend

When all you need of me was less
I’ll keep your troubles away without a second guess

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